How to Increase Your Visibility in 90 Days with Michelle Lewis
Today I'm talking with Michelle Lewis, founder of Visibility Vixen.
Michelle Lewis is an Amazon best-selling author, podcast host and founder of The Celebrity CEO Method.
She teaches online CEO’s how to skyrocket their visibility, launch their unique show strategy and start landing press for their brand through Hollywood techniques in the Visibility Lounge.
She has been featured on Entrepreneur On Fire, TEDx Tarrytown, The Huffington Post, Medium and Buzzfeed.
Episode Highlights:
About Michelle Lewis (01:49)
90-Day Sprints and the Celebrity CEO Method (02:55)
How to get started (06:22)
Recommended "vehicles" to get started (08:33)
How to combat feeling intimidated (14:00)
We're always a work in progress (17:24)
Creating your own content (19:32)
How long to be in the "guest stage" (20:27)
Breaking the burnout cycle (23:47)
Selling while guest starring (28:08)
When to start delegating and hiring a team (32:59)
How many "vehicles" Michelle has right now (34:15)
Michelle's team (35:12)
How many hours Michelle works (38:25)
Where to find Michelle online (39:45)
Links Mentioned:
Michelle uses Kajabi for everything from her website, email list, and courses!
Take Michelle's quiz to find your Hollywood'preneur personality type
Michelle's FREE Color Class
Where to Connect with Michelle:
Michelle’s website, Visibility Vixen
Say hi to Michelle on Instagram
Like Michelle’s Facebook page
Subscribe to The Visible Entrepreneur podcast
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